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Eighth NFT Collection

This collection was created by training an Artificial Intelligence on images of Dystopian and Cyberpunk Cities. I originally planned on doing just a Cyberpunk City theme due to its color theme of purple, neon light, and dark cities, but it was difficult to find enough diverse images for a dataset. So I decided to do a mixture of Cyberpunk and various Dystopian cities, which you will notice in the diversity of the NFTs.

Gen 1

Image Dataset #:  3016
Image Size: 1024 x 1024
Seeds :  1 - 1000
Total NFTs:  15
Minted: 15 / 15
Training Time: 10 Days

It was difficult to find images for this dataset and this is why I ended up going with not just Cyberpunk theme but Dystopian Cities as well. The shadows and dark spots you see throughout some images are people standing in the images, which often times were shadowy and a bit distorted. I enjoyed making this collection and love the overall color scheme and results.

Images of first generation cyberpunk and dystopian city collection created using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Gen 2

Coming In The Future

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